The new craft sector: Creative clusters and the evolution of knowledge and skills
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

Jessica Tanghetti
Il progetto indaga l’evoluzione dei distretti dell’artigianato tessile, prestando attenzione al rapporto tra tradizione e innovazione, al trasferimento di competenze e ai comportamenti organizzativi connessi alla resilienza Lo studio si basa sul caso studio comparativo dei distretti post-industriali di Dundee e del Veneto, storicamente noti per la loro tradizione nel tessile. Attraverso mappature, interviste qualitative e ricerca d’archivio, Io studio dimostra come, nonostante simili macro dinamiche connesse al declino di un distretto industriale, le prospettive strategiche adottate siano divergenti, ponendo inoltre in evidenza il ruolo chiave delle istituzioni e politiche locali.
A new landscape for pension funds after the crisis? Lessons from self-employed expectations and choices in the Netherlands
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

Irene Simonetti
Are self-employed workers saving enough for their retirement? Should one lncrease their retirement
preparation by mandating pension savings? Do self-employed prefer to save through housing wealth? These
questions are not new, but their relevance is enhanced by the current pandemie. These questions suggest
the need fora more global and comprehensive analysis of self-employed workers and pension decisions. On
this background, I preliminary investigate self-employed workers savlngs decislons, both quantitatively (how
much they save) and qualitatively (do they shift savings to specific vehicles, such as housing wealth?). This
type of analysis is promising due to the novelty data that the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS,
Statistics Netherlands) provided us: individuals’ affiliations to occupational pension funds.